Professional Development Logistics

This is a 3-year professional Development project that blends content and pedagogy toward teachers developing problem-based inquiry lessons for their own classes focused on a civil right or liberty.


Each teacher participant will receive readings and video recorded presentations from Drs. Brown and Kohlmeier. Participants will spend 15 hours learning about the Supreme Court case and civil right/liberty as the focus for that year


Participants will participate in a 35 hour, 5-day virtual synchronous institute July 15-19, 2024. Dates for 2025 will be July 14-18 and 2026 will be July 13-17. Participants will need high-speed internet and a web camera for participation.

Academic Year

Participants will film themselves (using a Swivl camera provided) and reflect on their lesson implementation with their team leader via Zoom and the Swivl website. During the fall, one volunteer on the team will have invite the teacher team to watch their lesson implementation so the team can critique the lesson (not the teacher). The team will analyze the procedures, materials, scaffolds, assessments, and rubrics, to determine how the lesson was encouraging deep learning. The team will meet via Zoom to make revision suggestions for a spring implementation of the lesson. Each spring a different volunteer will film their implementation for the team to review using the same process. The final lesson may be featured on the PIH website for use by other teachers and teacher educators. Teachers will dedicate 30 hours of PD to this academic year process.

Last Updated: 02/22/2024